How Often Should You Schedule a Contact Lens Exam?

How Often Should You Schedule a Contact Lens Exam?


When it comes to caring for your eyes and maintaining clear vision, regular checkups with your optometrist are essential. If you wear contact lenses, scheduling a contact lens exam with Eye Rx at least once a year is crucial. These specialized exams go beyond a routine eye exam, focusing on your overall eye health and the fit, comfort, and prescription of your contact lenses.

Monitoring Eye Health

Your eyes can change over time, and even subtle changes can affect your ability to comfortably and safely wear contact lenses. During an annual exam, your optometrist will check for conditions like dry eye, corneal abrasions, or early signs of infection. Detecting these issues early prevents potential complications that could lead to more serious eye problems.

Ensuring Proper Fit and Comfort

The shape of your eyes can change, affecting how your contact lenses fit. Poorly fitting lenses can cause discomfort and, over time, damage your cornea. At an annual exam, your optometrist can adjust the fit of your lenses, ensuring they stay comfortable and function properly.

Updating Your Prescription

Your vision may change subtly from year to year. If you're still wearing an old prescription, you might not be seeing as clearly as you should. A yearly contact lens exam ensures that your prescription is up-to-date, giving you the sharpest possible vision while reducing eye strain.

Preventing Long-Term Damage

Wearing contact lenses without proper monitoring can increase your risk for serious eye infections, such as keratitis. An annual contact lens exam gives your optometrist a chance to spot any early signs of problems and offer solutions before they worsen.

Keeping Up with New Technology

Contact lens technology evolves rapidly. New materials and designs are regularly introduced that provide better comfort, improved breathability, and enhanced vision correction. An annual exam allows your doctor to recommend the latest options that may benefit you.

What to Expect During a Contact Lens Exam

During your contact lens exam, your eye doctor will do more than just check your vision. They will:

•          Assess the health of your eyes.

•          Measure your corneas to ensure proper lens fit.

•          Evaluate how your current lenses are working for you.

•          Discuss any discomfort, dryness, or vision issues you've noticed.

The exam will help ensure that your contact lenses are enhancing your vision without compromising your eye health.

Schedule Your Contact Lens Exam with Eye Rx Today

Scheduling an annual contact lens exam is vital to maintaining your eye health and enjoying the best possible vision. These exams not only ensure your lenses are fitting well and providing clear vision, but they also protect your long-term eye health by detecting issues early.

If it's been over a year since your last contact lens exam, now is the perfect time to schedule one. At Eye Rx, we’re committed to helping you see clearly and comfortably. Visit our offices in Washington, DC or Chevy Chase, Maryland. Please call (202) 659-2010 or (301) 450-8300 to book an appointment today.

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