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Eye Rx Blog

Learn more about optometrist care in our blog!

Restasis Vs Xiidra: Which is Best for Dry Eye?

Anybody who has experienced the itchy, irritable sensation of dry eyes has probably tried using drops to relieve the pain. But did you know your eye doctor can prescribe specialty eye drops specific to treating those symptoms...

Why Do You Get Eye Floaters?

If you’ve ever noticed strange squiggly lines, spots, or cobwebs in your vision that dart away when you try to look at them, you may have floaters. They move with your eyes, so you’ll never be able to look directly at them...

Should You Get Progressive Lenses?

Wearing glasses isn’t a magical cure for vision problems. If you want to see clearly out of your frames, you’ll need to make sure they’re holding the right lenses. However, there are many different lens types to choose from, and not all lenses serve the same purpose...

The Best Contact Lenses for Astigmatism

Those who live with astigmatism know that it can be a little hard for an optometrist to correct than other conditions like farsightedness or nearsightedness. The shape of your cornea has a lot of bearing on how well you can see...

Does Menopause Cause Dry Eye?

Menopause comes with many changes. Hot flashes are a well-known side-effect of menopausal changes to your hormone levels, but one that’s not as well known is dry eye syndrome. As we age, male or female, tear production decreases, meaning the natural level of your tears goes down....

12 Medications That Can Dry Out Your Eyes

Dry eye therapy is designed to provide some relief from the symptoms of several types of dry eye. But not all dry eye is the same. Dry eye is more a collection of symptoms than the single result of one thing...

How Do I Know if I Have Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis)?

Sometimes, it can be hard to tell whether you have pink eye. If you have itchy, red eyes, it might be dry eye, irritation due to a foreign object, conjunctivitis or something else. Luckily, pink eye, or conjunctivitis as it’s known in the medical community...

Can High Blood Pressure Impact Your Vision?

High blood pressure affects a great many Americans. For one thing, men suffer from it at higher rates than women (47% vs. 43%), so your gender might play a factor in whether you’re at risk...

The Link Between Rheumatoid Arthritis & Dry Eye

Many of us rub our eyes when we’re tired, and you might know firsthand how itchy and uncomfortable that can be. But some people have that sensation all the time. Itchy eyes, blurry vision...

10 Warning Signs & Symptoms of Eye Problems

Keeping your eyes healthy can make a significant difference in your health and overall well-being. Staying aware of your ocular health and monitoring any changes through comprehensive eye exams can effectively reduce your chances of vision loss...

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